Review of Research on School Gardening

School Gardening



School Gardening, Education, Child Development


Early childhood education is critical and is an important process for developing habits and practices towards sustainability. It can be said that environmental education programs conducted outdoors, which provide the achievement of the goals of environmental education, have significant effects in order to promote sustainability. At this point, it is very important to develop environmental awareness in the school environment, especially in school gardens, through agricultural practices. Agricultural practices in schools need to be increased, and preschool agricultural practices need to be widespread and included more in research in order to become a part of teacher education and the applied curriculum. In order to achieve these goals, it is important to first determine the distribution of studies conducted at the international level. Based on this idea, this research aims to determine the development process of research conducted on agricultural practices in school gardens, which are considered innovative practices, and to discuss them in the context of early childhood education and child development. Since the research reveals the distribution of articles, it is descriptive and has a screening model type. Articles published on agricultural practices in schools with the keyword “school gardening” in the Web of Science database were included in the research. The articles were transferred to the computer and analyzed according to many variables such as the number of publications by year, the distribution of authors, countries and journals in which the articles were published, and the frequency of keywords. The data is in the analysis phase and will be discussed with the support of sources.



How to Cite

Aysu, B., Aral, O., & Aral, N. (2024). Review of Research on School Gardening: School Gardening. 7th International Anatolian Agriculture, Food, Environment and Biology Congress, Kastamonu/Türkiye, 632–632. from