Investigation of the Effects of Potato Golden Cyst Nematode on Plant Development in Potato Clones and Varieties


  • Gülten Kaçar AVCI Patates Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü/Niğde
  • Halil TOKTAY
  • Gülsüm Badel AKYOL
  • Mustafa İMREN
  • Ramazan CANHİLAL


patates, çeşit, verim


Potato Cyst Nematodes cause major losses in the potato (S. tuberosum) industry worldwide. Potato Golden Cyst Nematode, Globodera rostochiensis is a pest that is quarantined, has no chemical control, cannot be isolated from the soil it is infected with for many years, and causes serious decreases in potato yield. In this study, the effects of Potato Golden Cyst Nematode on plant development in the Desiree and Bettina varieties were investigated in the materials belonging to Niğde Potato Research Institute (Ünlenen, Leventbey, Muratbey, PAE 13-08-07) under field conditions. The field study was established in a randomized plot design and observations were taken during two years of potato production season. Potato varieties were planted in the same field in plots with and without nematicide application. While potato varieties were affected in certain proportions in terms of plant maturity time and plant height, the most affected were determined as yield loss per decare and decrease in the number of large tubers.




How to Cite

Kaçar AVCI, G., TOKTAY, H., Badel AKYOL, G., İMREN, M., & CANHİLAL, R. (2024). Investigation of the Effects of Potato Golden Cyst Nematode on Plant Development in Potato Clones and Varieties. 7th International Anatolian Agriculture, Food, Environment and Biology Congress, Kastamonu/Türkiye, 422–422. from