The Effect of Climate Change on Ecological Life Cycle of Pakistan



Ecosystem comprised by the combination of Humans, animals, plants, microorganisms and several abiotic factors. Humans completely depends on their ecosystem for food, fuel, fiber and regulatory functions like climate regulation and disease management. This ecosystem is becoming effected day by day due to increasing climate change. Climate change cause rise in temperature, elevation of caron dioxide, green house gas emissions, glaciers melting, rise in sea level. These factors cause loss of biodiversity which is important for maintenance of Agroecosystem and human environment interaction. In this article we are discussing about effects of climate change on Ecological Life Cycle of Pakistan. Pakistan is a developing country and more vulnerable to Global warming and climate changes. Pakistan blessed with rich agricultural land but this land going to become disturbed because of rising temperature, irregular pattren of rainfall, causing water shortage for crops. This leads to shortage of crop production and food deficiency in Pakistan. Disturbance of ecosystem cause migration and extinction of many plant and animal species. The most effective areas of Pakistan ecosystem includes Indus river belt and coastal areas of Karachi.There should be some starategies from institutes and policymakers to keep balance in all components of ecosystem to mitigate the effects of climate change.



How to Cite

Afreen, M., Uçak, İlknur, & Bağdatlı, M. C. (2024). The Effect of Climate Change on Ecological Life Cycle of Pakistan. 7th International Anatolian Agriculture, Food, Environment and Biology Congress, Kastamonu/Türkiye, 301–305. from